Marina works on Kizhi Island as a tour guide since 2007. She arrived here for the first time right after the University just for a month, but an island since then became a second home for her. Last year she became the best Museum guide, and here she shares the best moments from her experience as a guide on an Island.
During her work, she learned how to tar a boat, reap a rye, cut the grass, hackle the flax, spin wool, weave beads, chop the wood and not to be afraid of snakes. From her point of view, the best scenery you can see on an Island is the view from the Naryn’s mountain — the majestic Kizhi churches, the slowly outgoing tourists’ cruises, old villages scattered across the lowland, the fresh greenery of the Karelian forests and an expanse of Onega lake.
This year, tourists can enjoy the newly renovated Church of the Transfiguration — the most recognizable symbol of the open-air museum. Marina shares that it has been a wonderful opportunity for tourists to see the unique and extremely difficult process of the reconstruction of the old monument, and imagine how works have been done by farmers 300 years ago. This summer, tourists can already enjoy the newly renovated domes, with a slightly golden color tone of the fresh wood, which will turn to the silver color with time.
Photo by@radya